Gerhard Gehrmann Technical Services

1202 Yonge Street - Toronto - Ontario - M4T 1w1

Who am I?

Gerhard Eckhart Gehrmann

What can I do for you?

Property Management:

Inventory all mechanical systems

 4.  Walk the facility on a scheduled managed basis to put "eyes on" the facility

5.  Supervise trades and technical services

IT Services:

Network cable installation

Wifi and wired network setup

Internet router configuration and testing

Powerline networking

Install smart doorbell and camera systems

Install smart thermostats and program

Install smart door locks

Remote monitoring and setup..

Simple voip installation

Computer setup, testing, and training

Smartphone setup, testing, and training

Smart tablet setup, testing, and training

Printer and scanner setup, testing, and training

Security system troubleshooting and repair supervision

Deck Container Garden Setup and Training:

I have been an avid deck and container gardener for over 30 years. I have learned many things over those years, and am offering this as a service to  my clients. Container gardening is a rewarding activity that can beautify your deck/patio, and can provide healthy delicious vegetables for your kitchen.

To help you setup and keep a deck/patio garden I would


This list is not definitive of the work I am skilled at doing,  nor the skills I bring to bear on any project.

If it's broken, it's probably broken - and most likely has been broken for a long time.